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Additional Projects

In addition to the games listed in the portfolio, there were projects that served as a learning opportunity and a way to focus my passion.

Below, I have included snippets from the projects that got away:


Space Troubles

Global Game Jam 2020

Despite not being able to complete this game, Space Troubles had been a large learning opportunity as it had been my first experience working strictly as a game and technical designer. 


A lot was learnt about blueprinting/visual scripting and source control across the 3 days spent on this project.


VR Horror Demo

This project's concept was one I had been very passionate about. As the level designer for Spine, this served as an opportunity where I could study and experiment around with basic narrative level design.


Before the team was disbanded due to lack of equipment, this demo taught me about player behaviour within the horror genre as well as how to work under the constraints of VR. 

Dim Chance

Co-op Platformer

Dim Chance had fulfilled a lot of firsts: first experience visually scripting, first encounter with level design, and first co-op project. I include this project on here, as it had been what made me consider becoming a level designer. 


As this was my introduction to level design, my learning outcomes included moment based design and other skills crucial to level design such as sketching. 


Additional Projects: About

Dim Chance

Additional Projects: Portfolio
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